Please Finish Kira-Kira and Read Chapter 1 of The Outsiders
Writing Assignment: Cynthia Kadahota's Kira-Kira offers numerous instances of the kind of prejudice Japanese-Americans living in the United States suffered following World War II. But it also describes incidents in which Americans refused to prejudge Katie and her family. Please write a paragraph or two that describes these incidents and remember to introduce the author and the book before you do.
You will also have to come up with an opening sentence or two that generally sets the stage for what's to come, something like this (PLEASE DO NOT COPY THIS; IT IS JUST AN EXAMPLE)." In her novel, Kira-Kira Cynthia Kadahota, describes in painful detail the prejudice many Americans of Japanese descent faced following World War II. However, she also suggests that some Americans refused to be influenced by the stereotypes that the war had fostered (encouraged)."