Chapter 13
- Why do you think Lynn was acting so strangely…wanting milk one minute and water the next?
- Why is the camping trip important for Katie? How does the deer hunter game show this?
- Compare/contrast the two New Year’s parties.
- Why do you think Lynn kept her eyes on the moth? What could the mother symbolize?
Chapter 14
- Describe each family member’s reaction to Katie’s death.
Mr. Takeshima
Mrs. Takeshima
Chapter 15
- Katie said she was sad that the girls from Lynn’s class did not show up for the funeral. Why do you think they did not attend?
- Why did Katie think her father was “possessed” when he started crying? Was this a normal reaction for her to have? Why or why not?
- Write a brief paragraph about the relationship throughout the novel between Uncle Katsuhisa and Katie.
Chapter 16
- What was the purpose in making an altar for Lynn? What did the altar include? Did you find this odd? Explain.
- How does Lynn change? What discoveries about getting good grades does she make?
- What was accomplished when Mr. Takeshima apologized to Mr. Lyndon?
- The last few paragraphs explain the title of the book; why is the book called Kira-Kira?
Vocabulary exercise:
Each of you is to write a short paragraph (3-4 sentences) using at least 5 of the words from the following list. The paragraph can be about anything…it does not have to relate to the book.
Exhaled , relieved, canyon, traction, barren, totter, maggots, terrified, panic, contents, indigestion,
angelic, regrets, apologize, reimburse, glum, majestic.