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Chapter 13

  1. Why do you think Lynn was acting so strangely…wanting milk one minute and water the next?
  2. Why is the camping trip important for Katie?  How does the deer hunter game show this?
  3. Compare/contrast the two New Year’s parties.
  4. Why do you think Lynn kept her eyes on the moth?  What could the mother symbolize?


Chapter 14

  1. Describe each family member’s reaction to Katie’s death.

Mr. Takeshima

Mrs. Takeshima



Chapter 15

  1. Katie said she was sad that the girls from Lynn’s class did not show up for the funeral.  Why do you think they did not attend?
  2. Why did Katie think her father was “possessed” when he started crying?  Was this a normal reaction for her to have?  Why or why not?
  3. Write a brief paragraph about the relationship throughout the novel between Uncle Katsuhisa and Katie.


Chapter 16

  1. What was the purpose in making an altar for Lynn?  What did the altar include?  Did you find this odd?  Explain.
  2. How does Lynn change? What discoveries about getting good grades does she make?
  3. What was accomplished when Mr. Takeshima apologized to Mr. Lyndon?
  4. The last few paragraphs explain the title of the book; why is the book called Kira-Kira?


Vocabulary exercise:

Each of you is to write a short paragraph (3-4 sentences) using at  least 5 of the words from the following list.  The paragraph can be about anything…it does not have to relate to the book.

Exhaled          , relieved, canyon, traction, barren, totter, maggots, terrified, panic, contents, indigestion,

angelic, regrets, apologize, reimburse, glum, majestic.


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1. I think maybe because the decease she has made her act strangely.
2.It is important for Katie because she must leave Lynn or she will lose her mind. Katie was very happy when she was free like a deer shows this.
3.The last New Year's party is better than this time because they don't want to be with the white people.
4.Because Lynn wished she was that moth. 


(I think it's Lynn's death, not Katie's. I think you have made a mistake)

Katie felt guilty because Lynn was alone when she died.

Sammy looked like he didn't feel anything.

Mother and Father are both sad, Father didn't cry until the funeral. 


1.I think maybe because they have to study and Lynn isn't really a good friend to them. 

2.Because crying made her father's body shake wildly. It wasn't a normal reaction to Katie because her father hadn't cried until the funeral. 

3.The first time in the novel talked about Katie and uncle, Katie thought uncle was strange. He likes to make noise and something else. But after he took Katie's family to Georgia, their relationship is better. Then they camped and played chess and do things like that, they became sort of friends. 


1.It include a wooden house, inside there are many scary items like Lynn's toenails. It's odd because the things in it are strange. 

2.(I think you mean how does Katie change)Katie works harder and got an A in the test. She thinks getting good grades are the last wish of Lynn, she must do it. 

4.Because The sea led Katie remembered Lynn and remembered Kira Kira. 

Miss Lisa' comments on your answers 


1. I know what you mean here, but "decease" is the wrong word.  I think what you want to say is "because she is dying."  Otherwise the answer is fine.


2. 2nd half of answer is correct but the wording at the end is awkward.  You should have just said: " Katie was very happy when she was free like a deer."


3.  No.  That does not answer the question I asked.  I want you to compare the two parties...the Japanese party and the party that the white people had at the same time for the same reason...the beginning of the New Year.


4. Good for the first did answer the second half of the question. 


5.  Very good...I wanted to see if you were paying attention, Bob.  No...only mistake.  I apologize...I meant "Lynn." Good answers.


1, Good guess on the studying, but I don't think so.  You should have said more about Lynn not being a good friend to them. 


2. Good


3. Good answer overall but first sentence is a bit awkward.  Here is the rewrite:

"In the first half of the novel, Katie thinks her uncle is strange."  

What is the "something else" that you refer to in the second sentence?

Watch your tense shift. 


1. Bob, you didn't tell me the purpose of the altar.  In addition, you do not give enough details about what is in it.  And, you have a comma splice...that is when you connect two sentences with a comma.


2. Sorry again.  Yes I did mean Katie.  Yes, Katie does do better in school, but she changes in other ways as well.  You should have mentioned these.  Last sentence needs to be rewritten:  "She thinks getting good grades is Lynn's last wish, so she must do that to honor her sister." 


3. You didn't answer this question.


4. I think I know what you are saying here, but this needs more details.  Ask yourself, "What was Lynn's outlook on life? Katie specifically says what it is...and this relates to the title. 



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