Reading Assignment: Please read chapters 4-7, pp.42-83 in Kira-Kira
Writing Assignment: On page, 13, Katie says that her parent think hitting someone, stealing, and lying are the three worst things you can do in the world. Please write a paragraph on a similar but somewhat narrower topic. Explain what you think is the worst thing one friend can do to another.
Please remember to link your description to the book, something like this "In Kira-Kira, author Cynthia Kadohata has her central character, KatieTakeshima describe the three worst things in the world a person can do. However, when it comes to friendship, Katie would need to add to that list _____________"
(That's if you write about a characteristic different from the ones Katie describes). If you pick one that she mentions, then you need to say something like this "In Kira-Kira, author Cynthia Kadohata has her central character, KatieTakeshima describe the three worst things in the world a person can do. What Katie says about ____________is particularly true of friendship because ______________________is one of the worst things you can do to a friend."
If you are really busy, consider this alternative, or other possible assignment for the writing assignment. You know the kinds of questions I ask. So if you can't complete the assignment, then pick out a passage to two and pose some questions you think a reader should be able to answer after reading it. Here's an example:
In Chapter 4, Katie says she "forgot to think nonsense words. That’s why my mother was able to read my mind and know I felt guilty. She pulled me to her and hugged me.“It’s not your fault!' she said."
What do nonsense words have to do with Katie's mother knowing her thoughts? In your own words, why does Katie feel guilty? Why does her mother tell her "It's not your fault"?
Using quotation marks within quotation marks can be tricky sometimes. Don't worry about them for this assignment. If you need to quote from the text for your question--and you probably do-- just do the best you can.
This second requirement would require you to copy some portions of the text. For a second language learner that's a good thing. It's also recommended for native speakers who want to become better writers, so go ahead and type up some sentences from the book and pose questions about them. Then send both questions and quotes to me via e-mail.
Please send me your questions the night before class, so I can insert (put) them into the file I open for class. Then we will answer them in class.