I am posting this for Jackie. He did a separate ending for each story. Here is the one for "Lon Po Po":
I want to change the endings like this:
The wolf pretended to eat some gingko nuts, he climbed up the tree, in fact wanted to eat the three children. At this moment, their mom came back. She can’t find the three children, so she looked nearby. She saw the children were on the tree, the wolf was there too. mom took a knife immediately and climbed up the tree, and killed the wolf.
When someone is in danger, if you can help them, you should do that, so the world will de very friendly.
And here is the one for "Little Red Riding Hood":
Little Red Riding Hood
I want to change the endings like this:
Little red riding hood knocked the door, the wolf answered: “Is it little red riding hood?” “Yes, it is me, please open the door and let me in, grandmother, I picked some flowers, I also brought a piece of cake and a bottle of wine.” “Your grandmother is very old and I’ve got a cold, so I can’t open the door. The door is unlock, you can open the door yourself.” Little red riding hood came in the house, she saw a wolf lay in the bed. she knew she can’t defeat the wolf, so she find a scissors and hid it in her clothes. When the wolf swallowed little red riding hood, she used the scissors to cut the wolf’s tripe. Little red riding hood was still alive, she climbed and pulled out her grandmother. The wolf has died.
This story tells us if you are facing doom, you have to be sober, and think about how to escape the doom by yourself. If you don’t have a good idea, you have to get help, and don’t be nervous all the time.