Reading Assignment: Finish Charlotte's Web
Writing Assignment: Please describe a character from Charlotte's Web. Start out with a general evaluation, "Dr. Dorian is a wise man." But follow that general statement with a description that makes the reader understand why you think as you do. In completing this assignment, you will be following the example of E.B. White, the author of Charlotte's Web, who is widely considered to be a great writer.*
One of the things that makes White great is his use of concrete (words that describe things that can be seen, touched, or heard) and specific (words that can be understood in limited ways) language. To see one of many examples, look at page 97, where White introduces the dump as a place where "Mr. Zuckerman threw all sorts of trash and stuff that nobody wanted any more." Notice how White follows that general statement with a list of the things found in the dump. This is an example of White at his best. It's also an example I hope you will follow in your own writing.
*White is also the co-author of a famous book on writing, The Elements of Style.