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I expect you to answer all of  these questions, but I only want to see two (2) of your written answers.  So, here is what I would like you to do.  After you have answered all of these questions in your notebooks or on your computer, submit your two best answers to the forum for me to look at and correct.  I will also post a translation paragraph tomorrow with updated vocabulary list and a short vocabulary assignment. 


Chapter 9, pp. 113-128


1. Mrs. Kilgore mentions a union meeting.  What is a “union”?  How do you think it might change the work condition of the hatchery?  Why is Mrs. Takeshima afraid of joining the union?


2. If Lynn is not in love with Gregory, why is she sad about his leaving?


3. How does Katie describe Uncle Katsuhisa’s family?  About what are Uncle K and Aunt Fumi arguing?  How does this relate to the short story that Katie had to read for homework?


4. What does Katie mean when she say Scrabble is not her specialty?  Do you think Uncle K was mean to Katie when she had trouble coming up with a word?  Why or why not?


5. What do you think Aunt Fumi was told in the phone call?  What do Uncle K’s and Aunt Fumi’s action in the kitchen say about their relationship?

Chapter 10, pp. 129-150


1. What is the connection between eating liver and anemia?


2. Do you find Lynn’s diary entry odd regarding her desire for privacy?  Do you have privacy in you home?  If not, does that bother you? Explain.


3. Why do you think Amber “dropped” Lynn?  How does this event affect the Takeshima’s? Why do you think Mr. and Mrs. Takeshima changed their minds about getting a loan from the bank?


4. What does Lynn’s, Katie’s, and Sammy’s gift say about them in regard to greed? What similar actions occur after this that reinforce this same opinion?


5. How does the Takeshima’s new house differ from their previous residence?


6. When Sammy is injured during the picnic, how does Katie show her bravery and maturity?


7. Describe Hank Garvin.  Do you think Katie is impressed with him? Why or why not?

Chapter 11, pp. 151-157


1. How are the Takeshimas treated by the people in the hospital? What does Hank Garvin not do that makes Katie like him even more?


2. Why do Mr. and Mrs. Takeshima ask Katie how much money she, Lynn, and Sammy saved?

Chapter 12, pp. 158-179


1. How do Sammy and Katie occupy themselves at the hatchery?


2. Why is everyone so concerned when the backup generator is not working?


3. How did Mr. Takeshima become a sexer?  Why didn’t he continue working in a hatchery in Japan?


4. Do you think Katie is justified in lying to her teacher and stealing the nail polish?  Why or why not?


5. On p. 174, Mrs. Takeshima cries “My family is falling apart.”  Is this an accurate statement?  Explain why or why not.


6. Katie says she might have to stay back a grade if she didn’t improve her grades.  Does she seem to lack intelligence?  If not, why do you think her grades are so bad?

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