James' Character Breakdown:
About Louise:
Call----- a good but humorless boy to be a brother, as well as a partner----- though it will be bored, I won't talk to a person who is humorless.
Caroline----- a living thing who brings her shock and unhappy sometimes----- though it is impossible, I still can't bear this kind of person live in this world.
Mr.Rice----- only know alomst all girls love him, but she doesnt care about him anymore------I agree with what she does and her opinion
Baltimore-----wonder is she ill-----she is Mr. Rice's wife, I won't care any thing of her, because it's not my businese and thinking about a woman who is not close to me is a waste of time
Mother----- a woman who takes more care to Caroline then me, every time i ask about myself, she will prevaricate----- I will try not to communicate with her unless I have to
Grandmother-----another woman who takes more care to Caroline then me, sometimes she is very kind to me----oh my god I will keep away from her so as not to hurt myself
"The captain"-----a polite and kind and mystrious man----- why not communicate to him? I think it is good to be friend with him, perhaps I can learn something new.