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For Homework:

Read chapters 7-10 (pg. 31-53).


Then choose 3 of the following questions and post your responses. Also, respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.
Why is Sara so concerned about appearances?
What do we learn while reading things from Charlie’s perspective?
How do we know that something is different about Charlie?
What do you think of the passage on p. 46? Have you ever felt the same way as Sara does?
What happened to Charlie when he was younger?
Why is Sara so protective of Charlie?
What do we know about Sara, Charlie and Wanda’s parents?


Have fun!


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Also, here are the new vocabulary words we worked on during class.  Feel free to write one to three sentences to practice using some of the words!

  • Kicked down the stand (kick stand) --  page 15
  • Save yourself some steps (also, save your breath) -- page 15
  • Hold your chin up (physically or emotionally!) -- page 1
  • Obediently (to obey) -- page 27
  • Tugged (to pull on something)
  • Drama (issues or situations with others)


Because she thinks that everybody around her is judging her, and she thinks a good appearance can make people around you admire and feel satisfy to stay with you. Also,she is afraid if you get a bad appearance, people may comment on you.


He attached by a disease.


Because Charlie is his brother and Sara pities her brother a little.


Make setnese

1)Hey, save yourself some steps. Don't wonder like that, it let me feel dizzy!

2)He picked up the receiver obediently, just like an automatic robot.

3)He tugged her shoulder with his big hand and fixed his eyes which are full of fortitude on her.

Question 1

Because she is adolescent, it is usual to care about what other people think about herself. She becomes sensitive, and always think others are judging her.

Further more, that is because her sister is much more beatiful than her, so she feels self-abased.


Charlie cannot speak. It is the most difficult barrier in his life. Because he cannot talk, he cannot express his real feeling directly to others,so that he is lonely. Also maybe he has a lot of pressure, he cannot stay with his comtempory people and Sara always complains about him. I think he is miserble. However, he likes swam very much. That reflects that he want to be free. Finally, he went out of house by himself.

Question 6

Even though she thinks Charlie is a trouble for her, she is still her sister. I think it is instinctive to protect him. Also, I think maybe she thinks Charlie is so poor, she should be as a shelter for him,

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