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For homework, please:

1. Read Chapters 11-14 of Charlotte’s Web.

2. Respond to the following question on the forum (200 word minimum):

To save Wilbur’s life, Charlotte thinks of a marvelous idea. What is this idea? How would you have felt if you didn’t know Charlotte was behind all of this- would you think it was a miracle?

3. Please also come prepared to discuss your favorite scene from Chapters 11-14, and explain why it is your favorite. You do not need to write this on the forum.

4. Translate the following text from Ch. 11 into Chinese.
“ A miracle has happened on this farm. There is a large spider’s web in the doorway of the barn cellar, right over the pigpen, and when Lurvy went to feed the pig this morning, he noticed the web because it was foggy, and you know how a spider’s web looks very distinct in a fog. And right spang
in the middle of the web there were the words “Some pig”. The words were woven right into the web. They were actually part of the web, Edith.”

5. (extra) As we discussed in class today, if you make a list of words that you find difficult as you read and share those words at the beginning of class, then we can all practice using them in our discussions.  Therefore, if this would be helpful for you, I encourage you to maintain such a list as you read.


- Jon

Original Post

1.To save Wilbur’s life, Charlotte thinks of a marvelous idea. What is this idea?


Charlotte thought people were gullible, so she weaved her web into words to fooled people. First, she wrote “Some Pig” on her web and observed people’s reactions. Evidently, this plan was working. Then, she assembled the other farm animals to help her think about the next word to write on the web. She wanted the mouse—Templeton who can go out of the cellar to look for words from magazines or advertisements. She wanted people to think that Wilbur was dangerous and they could not kill him, so she must write some words to let people believed this idea. This plan had a big problem, that is, if Mr. Zuckerman killed Charlotte after he saw her words, the recue operation will not work.


2.How would you have felt if you didn’t know Charlotte was behind all of this- would you think it was a miracle?


Yes, I would think that was a miracle. A spider writes words on the web is unnatural. And I would be very interested in knowing the reason why this spider tries so hard to tell people something with these words. I would like to observe this spider if it really wanted to warm people something. But on the other hand, this could be just a big misunderstanding. If people see something like words on a spider web, they may think the spider is writing something. But it is just their imagination. 

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