Please create sentences with the words that you were unsure of. If you have questions about the usage of a word, write it in a post below and I will be happy to help you out!
She talks 100 miles a minute
Poverty = to be very very poor
Snore = He snores a lot when he sleeps.
To rummage = to search for something, especially in a bag or drawer
Escorted = to walk/ride alongside someone
(The president is always escorted by many black vehicles. OR The president is always escorted by many secret service workers.)
Intrigue = great interest (You are a very intriguing person. OR I looked at the puzzle with intrigue.)
Perplex = confusing (This puzzle is perplexing.)
Pandemonium = wild and noisy disorder or confusion; uproar
Hammer = a tool or to pound something loudly (verb or noun--I hammered the nail in with a wooden hammer.)
Verdict = decision (What's the verdict of the court case?)
Automatically = when something moves by itself (adverb)
Particular = certain, specific (I like this particular color of shirt.)
Trampled = stomped on