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In Steinbeck’s novel Of Mice and Men, there were two main characters here, George and Lennie. They were totally distinct people. George was a small but smart man whereas Lennie was a big and dull guy. But these two different guys were good friends; they ate together, worked together and even lived together. Their relationship, however, was a bit peculiar. George could live without Lennie. Actually, he would live much relaxed and cozy without Lennie. But Lennie would starve to death if he lived without George because of George’s intelligence and protection.


However, George and Lennie became very good friend. They even like a family. And they both had a dream which always made Lennie feel exited. Their dream was to have a piece of small land to grow some vegetables, to keep some rabbits, to feed some poultry, and to live freely. Moreover, George always used the dream to control Lennie’s cranky behavior. George told Lennie if Lennie made trouble, he would be not allowed to raise the rabbits anymore. Also, George was a real smart guy that he could always help Lennie to get rid of troubles. So that’s why Lennie always complied with George’s words. The relationship between them was very special.  


For George, he regarded Lennie as his little bro and he really treated Lennie very well although Lennie was a real good trouble maker and Lennie took George lots of trouble. Because George really moved by Lennie. Once, Lennie made a trouble and George told Lennie jumped into the river. Lennie didn’t think about anything and jumped into the river, he almost drowned so that George realized Lennie was not able to swim. This thing really touched George. George knew Lennie was a nice fella and he trust George without reserve. George loved Lennie so that he could bear his clumsiness and lived with him peacefully. Even if George had to kill Lennie at last, George didn’t blame Lennie anymore. He really loved this big and dull guy. George always knew Lennie didn’t mean when he made trouble. But this time Lennie violated the law. Instead of killed the mice by accident, this time Lennie killed a real people, he had to be assume all of punishment this time by himself. George knew he couldn’t help Lennie to get through this time, so he chose to kill Lennie by himself. He told Lennie to look the piece of land in front of them. That was their beautiful dream. George really wanted Lennie to be happy all the time without exception at the end.


Basicly, whatever Lennie or George, they both relied on each other. Maybe they all knew they were not able to realise their dream, but they also knew they had hopes when they had each other.
