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Writing and Viewing Assignments 6/28


1. To any length you like, please describe the relationship between Lennie and George. In particular, focus on what it is that keeps them together. As characters in the novella ask, why does a smart guy like George stick with Lennie, whose limitations cause both men nothing but trouble. But, then too, why does Lennie, who could break his smaller companion in two if he chose, do whatever George says.


2. Here is the brief passage we did not get to work on in class. Revise the passage to make it clearer why a sentence about George and Lennie follows a statement about Stenibeck's focus on the poor. Please assume that you are writing for readers who have not read "Of Mice and Men."

Like many writers in the 1930s, John Steinbeck focused on the plight of the poor. George and Lennie in “Of Mice and Men” dream of having a ranch of their own. Readers know that they will never get it. 

I am putting a video in the Forum's "Clips" section. I think it will give you some additional background for understanding Steinbeck's text. In fact, its title is "Steinbeck and the 1930s". It's short and has great music, so I hope you will watch it. 

Last edited by Laraine
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