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Reply to "Reading and Writing Assignment for 4/30/15 18th class"

    Fadi, the main character in N.H. Senzai's Shooting Kabul is a responsible boy. His six-year-old sister Mariam lost her favorite doll, Gulmina when they are getting away from the calamity, so she went and tried to get it. It is very dangerous is the calamity, but their father, Habib didn't stop her because he has to look after the other people in their family and they didn't have a lot of time. Fadi was so mad at his father because he hopes he father stop the truck and get her sister on so he locked himself into he trunk to tell his father with this way"I am mad at you, you should save Mariam". But Habib had to look after other people in their family. If he go and save Mariam, the whole family will be died. So Habib was not wrong and Fadi should comprehend his father and do not be mad at him anymore.
