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Reading and Writing Assignment for 4/30/15 18th class

Reading Assignment:Read pages of Shooting Kabul 132-152.


Writing Assignment:


At one point in the story, Fadi locks himself in the trunk of his father's car. Write a paragraph explaining why he does this and what he hopes to accomplish (get done). However, please begin your writing with a sentence using the pattern we discussed in class.
Fadi, the main character in N.H. Senzai's Shooting Kabul,  is ......
Please note that the adjective (descriptive word) you choose to describe Fadi is the focus of your writing. It's the general point that needs to be made more specific.  For instance, if you said that "Fadi, the main character in N.H. Senzai's Shooting Kabul  is  mad at his father," you would need to explain why he is angry and how getting in the trunk is going to help him not be angry, for instance: "Fadi, the main character in N.H. Senzai's Shooting Kabul is mad at his father because he made the family leave Mariam behind. After she dropped her doll, she tried to get on the truck with Fadi's help. But she fell and Fadi's father wouldn't make the truck stop, so she was left all alone among strangers.   By getting in the trunk, Fadi hopes to....
I am looking forward to reading what you write. I expect it to be riveting like the examples we discussed in class today.  


Last edited by Laraine
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