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Homework for October 4

For next Saturday, please read p. 95-139 (Chapters 22-30) of Holes.


Based on our discussion of superstitions in class, answer the following:

What superstition exists in the novel Holes? Is there more than one? How does the belief in each superstition shape the lives of the characters in the story? Consider Elya Yelnats and Madame Zaroni (no-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing-great-great-grandfather...) The Warden, her grandfather, and the holes being dug at Camp Greenlake. Do you have any other superstitions that we didn't talk about in class?


Attached to this post is the word search I showed you in class.  Find all of the words if you can, and make sure to look up the definitions of the words as you go along! 




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