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Homework for Class #15: Summer of the Swans

Congratulations on finishing Bridge to Terabithia!  For homework, please read Ch. 1-6 of Summer of the Swans.


In an email to me, please respond to the following at least one hour before class:


Think back about our discussions of friendship and what type of relationship it is.  After reading the entire story, what can we add to the definition? For example, you might say that friendship can also change people and help them mature. Or having friends and embracing childhood can allow individuals to escape the pressures from the “real world” and be comfortable in their own shoes.  What is your full definition of friendship now? You may include passages from Bridge to Terabithia to strengthen your response.


Translate p.26 Ch. 6 into Chinese beginning “The watch was a great pleasure to him…”  Then translate it back into English using your own words from the Chinese translation.

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