2014年8月3日 ,阴有小雨, PM2.5指数:15
Yesterday, the Ivy Labs campers, RAs, and counselors set off to tour Block Island. It was a long trip, beginning at 8 in the morning, when we got on the buses to Point Judith, where we boarded our ferry, and ending around 7 PM, when we arrived back at Machado.
After a 45 minute ferry ride to Block Island, which is just south of the coast of Rhode Island, we split into two groups, cleverly named the “Hike” group and the “Bike” group. While the bike group took off to explore the island by wheel, the hike group, which I was a part of, was more relaxed. We took strolls along the water, snapped pictures of friends and of the beautiful scenery around us, and bought French fries and lobster rolls from a nearby restaurant (delicious!)
Our hike group then met up with the bike group again at lunchtime, when we ate at the National Hotel. Around that time, it also started to rain, which would continue through the rest of our trip.
As some campers did not want to ride in the rain, I took one of the bicycles and went with the bike group to a lighthouse, while the others took taxis. At the lighthouse, we had two hours to spare, and while I thought we would have nothing to do, it turns out that we were able to have fun. We threw around a Frisbee, talked and joked with friends, and listened to Alex, one of the RAs, give an introduction to nature preservation on the island.
The ferry ride back to mainland Rhode Island was probably my favorite part of the entire trip. From the beginning of the ferry ride, we began noticing that low flying seagulls were constantly just inches away from our boat. Fascinated by them, one person, who was eating chips, tried to feed the birds. He reached out his arm, with the chip in his hand, and… it worked! The seagull swooped down and ate the chip! This began a trend and soon several more campers (and RAs ) had fed the gulls.
Although the time we spent away from Brown was lengthy, it was also filled with lots of exciting moments, and the hours went by quickly. The rain was my only issue with the trip, because it made biking extremely difficult, especially going uphill. I had a good time with the campers on Block Island, and hope to have an experience like this again soon!
经过45分钟的船程到达罗得岛州海岸南部的布洛克岛后,我们分成两组,分别命名为“远足”组和“自行车”组。当自行车组骑行探索岛屿时,我所在的远足组,相对来说更轻松。我们沿水散步,和朋友以及秀丽的风景合影,并买了附近的餐厅炸薯条和龙虾卷(超好吃!) 当我们在饭店吃中饭时,我们的徒步旅行组再次遇到了自行车组。在这段时间,天下起了雨,但这阻止不了我们继续探索余下旅程的热情。因为一些营员不愿意在雨中骑车,所以我代替了一个人跟随自行车组前往灯塔,剩下的人则做了出租车。我们有两个多小时的时间呆在灯塔,我以为我们会无事可做,但事实证明,我们能玩得开心。我们扔着飞盘,和朋友们开玩笑,并听了Alex做的有关于罗德岛资料的演讲。
Today’s forecast: 60% rain with 100% of arduous, grueling, and fun-filled day at Block Island. We left Brown University on a charter bus to Narrangansett, Rhode Island. The bus ride couldn’t have been more hilarious. Many students were yawning and bewildered by their first American Bagel experience. Should they eat the cream cheese spread and then the bagel, or break the bagel into pieces and dip it into the spread? Better yet, perhaps the cream cheese spread should be applied like whip cream for their sliced fruit squares. Anyways, my bemusement at the students’ commendable attempts at conquering the American bagel quickly changed to alarm as menacing thunderclouds loomed in the distance. We prayed that the rain gods would be mercifully today, and our prayers were thoroughly ignored. The first droplets pelted the bus window but then they left as quickly as they came. What a tease.
At Point Judith, we were greeted by the mammoth Block Island Ferry, which would soon become our means of staying alive from the sharks below and entertaining ourselves. Once aboard, we chased one another, taking pictures, photobombing, and smiling gleefully in front of the camera. The RAs and I enjoyed teaching the students how to take group photo-selfies and post pictures to Instagram and Snapchat, while the students introduced us to their social media of choice, QQ. As the ferry bobbed up and down on route to Block Island, a handful of students became a little seasick, but luckily we escaped without leaving any traces of puke.
Once on Block Island, we convened on a meadow near the National Hotel. Half of us started hiking, while the other half of us rented bikes and went on an unexpected 3 mile journey to Settler’s Rock. For the biking expedition, four lead RAs guided a group of 28 students through the gliding hills of Corn Neck Road, braving through splashing rain, veering safely from passing cars, and savoring the salty gust of wind blowing from the majestic Atlantic Ocean.
Lunch was spent huddled inside the National Hotel as we nibbled away at the tasteless sandwiches. All too familiar, the students were faced with another daunting task of which only a seasoned condiment consumer can conquer. Ketchup or Mayo? And what’s inside that yellow package? After lunch, those of us who walked took taxis to South East Lighthouse, while bikers braved another episode of blinding rain and merciless uphill climbs. Once we all made it miraculously to the lighthouse, we played Frisbee and listened to a great presentation by Alex.
As we waited for the Ferry back, we let all the students enjoy an hour of free time to browse through the myriad of eateries, restaurants, and gift shops along Old Harbor. On the ferry ride home, we were greeted by a flock of three seagulls that eagerly snatched potato chips and Cheetos from our outstretched hands. As much as we all hoped for a glorious sunny day, we were pleasantly surprised by an even more indelible memory of exotic spreads and ketchup, salty winds billowing from the Atlantic, and three hungry friends from above.
今日预告:在Block岛上度过了60%的降雨概率但100%充满挑战和快乐的一天。我们坐着大巴从布朗大学向罗德岛的Narrangansett出发。在大巴上发生的事不能再更有意思了:很多学生都在打着呵欠、还有被眼前作为早餐的百吉饼(Bagel,一种欧式面包)所困惑: 是先吃芝士再吃百吉饼呢,还是把百吉饼蘸着芝士吃?还是说是芝士是用来蘸水果块的? 总之, 我对学生们尝试各种百吉饼的吃法忍俊不禁,但很快变成了对那在不远处来势汹汹的乌云的担忧。我们祈求雨神今天会大发慈悲,可我们的祷告被彻底忽略了。第一滴雨滴落在车窗上,但随后又迅速的飘走。多么像在和我们开玩笑呀。
在朱迪思点,我们踏上了庞大的布洛克岛渡轮,这将变成我们娱乐自己和不被海里的鲨鱼吃掉的避风港。一上船,我们就互相追逐,拍照,抢镜头,并在镜头前笑的兴高采烈。 助教们和我教学生如何照集体照,自拍以及发布照片到Instagram的和Snapchat,而学生们向我们介绍了他们选择的社交媒体,比如QQ。由于渡轮不停地上下颠簸至布洛克岛,有几个学生有点晕船,但幸运的是我们一点呕吐物都没有留下。
一到布洛克岛,我们就来到了了吃中饭的酒店附近的草地。我们一半的人开始徒步旅行,而我们的另一半租自行车,骑行了 3英里抵达Settler’s Rock。对于自行车探险,四个助教在风雨中带领28个学生沿着Corn Neck路骑行而下,并感受着从雄伟的大西洋吹来的阵阵带有咸味的海风。
在我们等候渡轮回来的时候,我们让所有的学生自由活动一小时,沿着港口逛小吃店、餐馆和礼品店。上了渡船回家的路上, 三只海鸥热情的迎接了我们,从我们伸出的手上叼走薯片和奇多。我们尽管都希望有一个阳光灿烂的周日,令我们感到更加愉快的是关于番茄酱、蛋黄酱、大西洋阵阵咸风和三只饥饿的海鸥朋友的美好记忆。
【Ivy labs学生眼中的一天】
阴霾的天空笼罩着远方的岛屿,灰灰的,暗暗的,却没能赶走急切着想骑车一览这Black Island美丽夏景图的人们的心情。初坐上自行车的坐凳,像是踏上了另一片风景。起初的行程,大家都嫌车速过慢,想着如何感受疾风掠过的舒爽,可是叉路口的迷茫,却总是扰乱了车辙的轨迹。后来的爬坡,却灰暗了沿途全部的风景,大腿的酸痛麻痹了全部的思维,只剩下疲惫的肢体,艰难地重复着固定的动作,减少着剩余的旅程。中途的休息,安慰着疲惫的身心,殊不知还有沿途返回的心酸。突然的,雨滴洗漱,打乱了人们的脚步,回去的路,越发的坎坷,雨滴沿着发稍似珍珠般滴下、却又别般风味
布洛克岛(Block Island)位于罗德岛州南面的大西洋海域,距离罗德岛海岸线约21公里,常住居民1051人(2010年),地表面积约25平方公里。布洛克岛是北美冰川消融生成的群岛之一。
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