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Please read pages 56-70, ending at "'But it ain't no lie.  Ever' word's the truth, an' you can ast George.'"


Then, choose one essay topic to write about.  Please write at least 150 words--all of the last essays were very impressive, so keep up the good work!  Make sure you go over your essay after writing it to look for grammar and spelling mistakes.

  • (Page 62) Carlson suggests Curly's wife has no place outside of the house. What does this say about his opinion on women? What does this say about the 1930's opinion on women?  Has this opinion changed since the 1930s? How so? How is is similar?
  • (Page 65) What are your thoughts about Lennie's reaction to the fight? Would Lennie have fought back if George had not told him to?  
  • (Page 67) What are Crook's advantages and disadvantages as the only black man on the ranch?
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1I think Carlson thinks the women are not as great as the men.The men is the leader of the family.Even the whole world,the men is more important than women. So the women is lower than the men in 1930.Maybe it wasn't change in 1930, until now, although American government think the men and the women are equal.But there are also some of the men think they are the leaders. Women must listen to them. But it 's not similar now. Most of the people think women are also very good now a days. Or maybe in 1930, the men and the women are equal, they saw Curley 's wife differently because she is a bad woman. They think she don't need the respect from the man. She not deserve that.

Last edited by Audrey Wagner


Question 2
When Curley saw Lennie laughing because of his sweet dream, Curley suddenly found a place that he could release his anger, so he punched Lennie without thinking. All of us knew that Lennie was a strong big guy however Lennie was short, so there was no doubt that Lennie would win the fight. But Lennie failed wining it because he even didn't fight back at first, even Curley made him bleed. Why? From the sentence "Lennie's hands remained at his sides; he was too frightened to defend himself." we knew the reason was fear. It might be that Lennie had a warm heart and did not want to have a fight with others or he hasn't fought with others before. But I think the most major and reasonable explanation  was that he wanted to stay here to keep working and didn't want to be into trouble. Lennie wanted to have his own rabbits so much that he would do everything to achieve it. So they needed money and the  only source of income was working here. And also from George and Lennie's experience we knew that in Weed it was because Lennie that they were both in trouble and had to hid and escape. So Lennie's reactive of didn't fight back was also a way to express his love to George. And it was certain that Lennie would never fight back if George didn't tell him to do so.


2.I think that Lennie just wanted to protect himself, because he is so pure and so scared and didn't know what to do. Curley was so angry that he was angry with Lennie, he thought that Lennie was laughing at him, but in fact, Lennie was just thinking about his future. So if George don't told him to do , Lennie will do it too.
3.Crooks is a black man, he's very low self-esteem, very conscious of leaving the crowd, he lives alone. He pretended not to need someone else's appearance, but his strong is broken by Lennie, it was a bit cruel to ask Lennie :you have George, but if you do not have him? George was terrified, and he was simply unable to imagine the consequences if he lives without George. It was the first time for Lennie to realize what is lonely, he can not accept this loneliness. He really depends on George, he can't imagine the life without George, so he doesn't want to leave. About Crooks, I think he felt very lonely but he just didn't show it to others, because he thinks he is black, he didn't supose to stay with white. And in that historical background, the black don't have a good treatment.

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