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2016布朗暑期课程日志:第十一天 (7/29/2016)

A fun summer camp

Written by 白健宇

海边。First of all, again, I want to say thanks to all the RAs for leading us through many difficulties. I enjoyed all the classes and activities.

In the morning, we went to the history class after breakfast, what was interesting about today's class is we learned why American threw 2 atomic bombs to Japan and whether it is necessary. These are what I am always curious about.

In the afternoon, we went surfing, when I was small, I tried to surf but I was nearly swallowed by the sea, and today I wanted to get over it. When it was my turn, I was so nervous. When the wave came, I could feel my heart beating so fast. Before I realized what happened, the surf board already brought me to the beach. I was terrified at that time. However, I didn't give up, instead, I decided to try again. This time, I could kneel on the board! That felt great! I tried and tried; however, neither could I move my legs nor stand up, if I tried to stand, I would fall. Not until had tried thousands times could I stand on the board properly. After that, I got more confident, feeling surfing quite easy.

Lastly, thanks to all of my friends from Yale group, without you guys, this isn't going to be a fun summer camp.





Written by 陆昕冉 









Written by 王银月



时间匆匆,夜幕降临,我们的DJ晚会将我们的心情带到最高点,放开的唱着歌,席地而坐与台上的歌手合唱着,欢呼着。最后的hip pop课除了学会了舞蹈我还收获了来自我Ra的奶茶一杯。



2016 Brown Newsletter Group




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