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Reply to "Reading and Writing Assignments 12th Class 5/12/16"

In Cynthia Kadohata’s Kira-Kira, there was a rich person, Mr. Lyndon. He had a sumptuous house and drove expensive car. In the story, he was the owner of the hatchery that Katie’s father worked for. One day, Katie, Lynn, and Sam went on a picnic at Mr. Lyndon’s property. Unfortunately, a trap hurt Sam. I think that’s not a good way to punish the trespasser. This makes me feel that Mr. Lyndon is a violent and cold-blooded person. I don’t think he put the trap to catch animals. One the day the city’s electric power cut, the workers didn’t want to call him at first. Maybe it was because he wasn’t a kind boss. After they called him, he had someone to fix the power right away because he didn’t want to lose and money. This makes me feel that he is a bad but powerful boss. He didn’t be nice to his workers, for instance, he didn’t allow Katie’s mother and the other workers went to bathroom at unscheduled time. He has a lot of authority because he could fix the problem right away and people would like to help him if he wanted anything. In conclusion, I didn’t like him very much because he wasn’t nice to people, particular his workers or someone that was useless to him. If someday I became as rich as him, I would use my money and power to save people who need help.

Last edited by Alfonso Tsai