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Reading and Writing Assignment for 6/4/15 23rd class

Reading Assignment: Number the Stars pages 39-81 (See attachment for background photos)

Writing Assignment: (Make sure to have read Chapter 5 before you complete the assignment) Imagine what it was like for a little girl like Ellen Rosen to be faced with German soldiers coming through the door in the middle of the night. Ellen freezes (becomes very pale, doesn't move and can't think) and without Annemarie's help--It's Annemarie who yanks off Ellen's necklace, which could have revealed the little girl's Jewish faith--she might have been taken prisoner by the soldiers.


Put yourself in her shoes. The soldier stands at the door pointing his finger at you and saying, "Tell the truth, you are a Jew aren't you? "What do you think you would do? Would you freeze like Ellen or would you think on your feet (idiom that means think fast and come up with an answer that would get you out of trouble).What would you say in order to escape and make sure the  Johansens didn't get into terrible trouble on your account? 


Last edited by Laraine
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