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Hello boy and girls!

THIS WEEK, PLEASE complete your homework and post it on the forum or send it to me (if you cannot access the forum). It is CRUCIAL (important) for you guys to do your homework so that we can have a rich discussion in class, and everyone can understand what we are talking about.
1. Finish reading Book 1, Pages 48-104.
2. Write 3 paragraphs on how you think the world you live in is somewhat similar to the world that Winston lives in. (Give me details about the environment as well). Roughly 300-350 words.
3. As you read, think of 3 discussion questions, in which you will lead the discussions with in class. (Post these discussion questions on the forum)
4. As you read, pay attention to the vocabulary words that you don't know, and make sure you translate it so you can have a full understanding of the book. Below are some words I defined already so you will have a better understanding of what you are reading.

derisive: mocking

edify: to inform or enlighten

philologist: one who studies literature

scrutiny: close observation

furtive: sneaky, shady

impregnable: impenetrable

indoctrinate: to teach a certain set of beliefs or principles

subjection: forced submission

truism: obvious truth

anodyne: inoffensive, benign

bourgeoisie: middle class

See you guys on Saturday!


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