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RWM Homework for 19th Class: Swans

For homework, please read chapters 14, 15, 16, and 17 (pages 77-100) of The Summer of the Swans.
Then, write an essay (9-12 sentences) discussing this question:
Mary helps Sara look for Charlie.  But on the way, she causes more stress for Sara than help.  Can you describe what happens?
Then, try to relate this situation to your own life: have you ever had to choose between material things (i.e. going to a party, looking fashionable) and life-threatening things (i.e. finding your lost brother)?  Describe what happened.  (For example, I was all dressed up at a birthday party but had to jump in a pool to save someone and messed up my hair and makeup.)
Let me know if you have any questions!
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